Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Hi there! In this post I am going to talk about the reason why I chose my career.

When I was in school I love learning about history, culture, indigenous people and archaeology. At that time I wanted to be a teacher, my own teachers inspired to me, they were really good whit me. Once, one teacher in particular talked to me about antropology, he said to me that maybe I could study antropology because matched whith my interestings and habilities. At secondary school I wanted to study astronomy, history, filosophy or something that includes biology. Being a teacher still was in my options. At the end, I chose antropology because I realized that maybe I could learn about all the things I always wanted and helping people at the same time, specially kids, because I've grown up with vulnerable kids all my life and I want to contribute to society so they could have a better life and the same opportunities than other people.

Right now my experience at the university has been intense, stressful and little bit gratifyng because I really wanted to be here. But has been nice too, because I have met diferent and kind people that shows me unknown realities and points of view.

In the future I wish have a really good job that includes kids, because I think that is important give them attencion and safe spaces so they could be healthy and happy adults. I'd like to work in the foreign to see other realities and persons, and after a long time I'd like to return to my country to work whit kids and maybe became a proffesor.


  1. Very interesting and a noble action to help children.

  2. I agree on the importance of having safe environments for children.

  3. Some corrections: in English is philosophy; ...but it has been nice too...different; I wish to have; ..I like to work abroad, not foreign...; professor.


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