Post 5: A Photo and its Story

I captured this photo in October 2017, you can't see it, but in it I tried to capture the separation between Los Reyes Park and La Familia Park. It has a very beautiful meaning for me because it reminds me of a spectacular day, the sky looked very beautiful, and the place seemed beautiful to me. In addition, it reminds me of two people I love very much, with whom I toured the entire Los Reyes Park that day, we did not have it planned, but we even arrived at the Family Park, which made me very happy because I did not know that place. I still have clear memories of that day; we laughed a lot and took a lot of funny photos. 

This photo catches my attention because I find it very beautiful aesthetically and makes me feel very nostalgic, since that year was very incredible for me and I spent a wonderful time with two friends, with them I toured many places in Santiago after school.


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