Blog 1: A country you would like to visit.

The country I would like to visit is Italy, because I like the history behind that country and I have always loved Venice, since I was a little girl I have wanted to travel there. I love the combination of canals and ancient architecture, I have always dreamed of taking a boat ride in that city. 

Italy has beautiful landscapes and a romantic atmosphere that attracts my attention. I would like to go there in summer (my favorite season) to enjoy the beaches, resorts and the surrounding nature.

Unfortunately, I don't speak italian, so I would like to go when I have learned a bit so I can have a better experience.

When I finish my first degree maybe I would like to study or work in Italy if I had the chance, but honestly I don't see myself living the rest of my life there because I would like to be able to have the experience of living in other countries as well.


  1. Oh Italy is really beautiful, I hope you can visit it sometime.
    I think there are Italian classes at the university so you can learn:)

  2. Nataly! I completely agree with you, Italy have a very romantic atmosphere.


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