Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

Time travel sounds like fun. If I could do it, I would definitely travel back in time, because I have always been intrigued to know who my ancestors were. Knowing what would happen in the future would give me more security or allow me to know future generations, but I find that it would also be very boring to know what will happen, I prefer to live the excitement of the moment with the uncertainty that the future provokes.

I would travel back in time to learn about my family history, as there are many holes in my family history and since I was a little girl I have always had doubts about it. I would like to know the kind of life those people had, the things they did, the scenarios they had to go through, everything about them. I think knowing who they were and the things they lived would give me clarity in my life, and also a deep understanding of my roots. That could also give me an understanding about family patterns. I would like to be able to travel as far back in time as possible.

If I could travel back in time I would also like to see from a third person my growth as a person, how I have changed over time.

I don't think I would stay in the past anyway, there are many people I care about at this time in my life and I wouldn't want to stop seeing them, and I would like to be able to think about what I learned in the present, since I have better tools to do so than in the past.


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