
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Blog Post 5: Changes to my study program

I am currently in my second year of Anthropology at the Universidad de Chile, and to be honest I have generally liked the program of studies very much, except for some details. Throughout the first two years of the mandatory curriculum there are subjects in archaeology, physical and social anthropology. Many people already know which course to take from the beginning, and others do not, so the compulsory study of all 3 branches can have both pros and cons. For example, there was a subject called "Taller II: Materialidad y Bioantropología" in which I was taught archaeology and bioanthropology. The truth is that the archaeological field of this subject was quite boring for me, since I was not interested in the archaeological details taught, the teacher was good, but still I could not find a real interest in the archaeology taught in that subject. Also, the assistants in the subject were not very nice. I wish that taking certain subjects had been optional, it would have saved me

Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

Time travel sounds like fun. If I could do it, I would definitely travel back in time, because I have always been intrigued to know who my ancestors were. Knowing what would happen in the future would give me more security or allow me to know future generations, but I find that it would also be very boring to know what will happen, I prefer to live the excitement of the moment with the uncertainty that the future provokes. I would travel back in time to learn about my family history, as there are many holes in my family history and since I was a little girl I have always had doubts about it. I would like to know the kind of life those people had, the things they did, the scenarios they had to go through, everything about them. I think knowing who they were and the things they lived would give me clarity in my life, and also a deep understanding of my roots. That could also give me an understanding about family patterns. I would like to be able to travel as far back in time as possible.

Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

The kind of job I would like to have in the future is that of a teacher. I imagine it as a constant interaction with people (specifically students) where I can teach them the knowledge I have acquired in my studies. Right now I am studying anthropology, and in the future I would like to follow the path of medical anthropology or maybe something that involves children, because I think it is very important to pay attention to a problematic that maybe is not mentioned so much in this adult-centered world. So I would like to work teaching at universities or colleges about children's anthropology or about medicine in anthropology, and if I could do both that would be amazing. I think I'll probably have to go on to further education and get an advanced degree, like a master's and a doctorate to have that kind of job. Fortunately, working as a professor at a university pays well.   Also, I would like this job to allow me to travel to learn about other environments so that I can co