
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Hi! In this post I will talk about my sewing machine, which is my favourite piece of technology. The sewing machine is my favorite because I can do different and unique things with it. My parents gave me one about two years ago, I had never had one before. To use the sewing machine you need sewing thread and a piece of cloth. The thread should be placed in place, then the type of stitch for sewing is chosen, the fabric is placed under the needle, and the pedal is pressed to start sewing. With the sewing machine I can fix and adjust clothes, create new pieces of clothing and even recycle them. I can also do any kind of things that include fabric, such as curtains, cushion covers, bags, etc. Lately I don't use it very often. My life without the machine would be a little more complicated because I would have to sew with my hands, which is quite laborious at times and time-consuming.  I would totally recommend using the sewing machine t

Post 2: Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Hi there! In this post I am going to talk about the reason why I chose my career. When I was in school I love learning about history, culture, indigenous people and archaeology. At that time I wanted to be a teacher, my own teachers inspired to me, they were really good whit me. Once, one teacher in particular talked to me about antropology, he said to me that maybe I could study antropology because matched whith my interestings and habilities. At secondary school I wanted to study astronomy, history, filosophy or something that includes biology. Being a teacher still was in my options. At the end, I chose antropology because I realized that maybe I could learn about all the things I always wanted and helping people at the same time, specially kids, because I've grown up with vulnerable kids all my life and I want to contribute to society so they could have a better life and the same opportunities than other people. Right now my experience at the university has been intense, stress

Post 1: My autobiography - Who am I?

I am Nataly Marín and I was born on May 26, 2002 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school I studied at Escuela España located in Recoleta, in the north of Santiago. Later, in high school, I studied for two years at the Liceo Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra, located in the center of Santiago. Later I completed my last 2 years of high school at the Liceo 7 de Santiago Teresa Prats. I am currently studying anthropology at Universidad de Chile. I have a brother and a sister, they are both older than me. I live with my mom, dad and sister in Recoleta. My brother has his own house where he lives with his son. My hobbies are reading, writing, sewing and making my own clothes, taking and editing pictures, dancing, and reading about astrology.