
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 8: A subject you enjoy studying

The subject I really love to study is human evolution. In university I had a course on that, and it was amazing. This subject is about how monkeys evolve to humans and how homo sapiens came to America at some point. In it I studied how monkeys living in Africa many years ago underwent ecosystem changes, and how that influenced the way they walked. This ended up triggering an evolution that spanned many years, and that also made it possible to be the humans we are today. I also learned that humans living in Asia came to America, which explains the genetics of indigenous peoples.  Before doing this course, I was very confused about human evolution, there is a lot of misinformation about it, especially when people talk about aliens, so this course was very enlightening.  I really enjoyed this course because I was so intrigued about the origins of humans, especially indigenous people, and this course made me understand the morphological characteristics of people living in America, includin

Post 6: How Can Your Major Make the World a Better

When I was a kid , I discovered that I really liked to help people, I also liked to meet people, therefore, I decided to study anthropology because I believe that the skills that this major gives me will allow me to help communities or groups of people in the future while learning from them. Anthropology is very important, since it contributes to the world by providing knowledge and tools that allow us to know and understand the human along with its multiple aspects. Thanks to anthropology we can understand the origins of the human being along with the great diversity of social relations and cultural aspects that it has, and based on that is that anthropology can influence scientifically, politically and socially in the world I see myself as an anthropologist who relates to people or communities, specifically children. My role in making the world a better place would have to do with one that would help improve th

Post 5: A Photo and its Story

I captured this photo in October 2017, you can't see it, but in it I tried to capture the separation between Los Reyes Park and  La Familia  Park. It has a very beautiful meaning for me because it reminds me of a spectacular day, the sky looked very beautiful, and the place seemed beautiful to me. In addition, it reminds me of two people I love very much, with whom I toured the entire Los Reyes Park that day, we did not have it planned, but we even arrived at the Family Park, which made me very happy because I did not know that place. I still have clear memories of that day; we laughed a lot and took a lot of funny photos.   This photo catches my attention because I find it very beautiful aesthetically and makes me feel very nostalgic, since that year was very incredible for me and I spent a wonderful time with two friends, with t